Dissociative Identity disorder (DID) - There are four diagnostic criteria:
A) The presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states.
(B) At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behavior.
C) The inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
D) The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance(e.g., blackouts or chaotic behaviou suring Alcolhol Intoxication) or a general medical condition(e.g., temportal lobe epilepsy).
DID is the current name for Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), first used in DSM-IV. In addition to the name change, the criteria were increased by two items, items C and D.
The term DID is felt to reflect more accurately the condition of an individual with two or more personality states. This change recognizes that MPD represents the failure to form one core personality rather than to simply create many personalities. Adapted from DSM-IV, p. 487.
Recommended Support Forum for those who have or believe they have DID: